Rainbow Kitten Surprise Sells Out Their Second Night in Boston


On May 14th, Rainbow Kitten Surprise performed an astonishing show at the Roadrunner in Boston, MA. Rainbow Kitten surprise is an Alternative/Indie Rock band consisting of 5 members, Ela Melo (lead vocalist), Darrick “Bozzy” Keller (guitar/backup vocals), Ethan Goodpaster (electric guitar/backup vocals), Jess Haney (drums), as well as Maddie Bouton on bass. They recently released a new album titled Love Hate Music Box, the band’s first record in six years. 

After the band’s long awaited return from their hiatus, they decided to go on a mini tour across 5 states in the USA. Two out of three of their shows in Boston sold out which evidently shows fans anticipation for their return. For this tour the band also decided to do different set lists for each show they put on. Boston Night 2’s set list consisted of (in order): Fever Pitch, When It Lands, Drop Stop Roll, Daddy Yankee, Matchbox, Meticulous, Hide, Superstar, That’s My Shit, SVO, Cocaine Jesus, Devil Like Me, Overtime, First Class, All That and More (Sailboat), LOL, Our Song, Lady Lie, Goodnight Chicago, Run, and they ended off with an encore consisting of Bearwalk and then their most popular song, It’s Called: Freefall. The stage design and lighting at the show was truly beautiful, as well as the clothing styling!

Photographing this show meant a lot to me not only as a fan, but as a photographer. I’ve been a fan of Rainbow Kitten Surprise since around 2019, and in 2022 I briefly lived in Chicago but returned home to Massachusetts early due to personal reasons. I had a few concerts planned with my friends there, but sold all of the tickets except for one show. My friend Aaliyah and I had bought tickets to see RKS in December, and I refused to miss that show. I flew back to Chicago for three days so that we could go to the show, and while I was there I talked to the concert photographer. It never crossed my mind at that point that people had actually taken photos at concerts and that day I decided that I wanted to do concert photography eventually. About a year and a half later from that show, I was approved to shoot for Rainbow Kitten Surprise. I’m extremely grateful for this opportunity, and still just as amazed at their amazing performance as I was the first time I saw them live.


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