Sunday the 21st of July … a night the Brisbane queer community will truly NEVER forget. Girl in Red graced the Fortitude Music Hall with a sold out show for her final stop on her Australian tour! This is not Marie’s first time here downunder and she was warmly welcomed back with loud crowds and enthusiastic dance moves. Girl in Red started the set with Doing It Again Baby, the title single from her new album, and boy oh boy did this get the crowd going! She continued the night playing songs from her new album such as A Night To Remember, Ugly Side and You Need Me Now? As well as playing cult classics such as Girls, Bad Idea and we fell in love in october.

During the show Marie had a little spiel about how much she loves Clairo and even started singing Sexy to Someone to the chords of her own song Pick Me. Girl in Red has phenomenal audience interactions and during the show brought up my dear friend Stacey TWICE !!! And sung I’ll Call You Mine specifically for her after an interaction they had on instagram comments. There were some track issues with I’ll Call You Mine so Brisbane got a stripped down acoustic version, which made it feel ever more special. During You Need Me Now? There were some people around me that were questioning if Sabrina would come out and sing her part in the song but sorry to disappoint we unfortunately live extremely far away from America and Sabrina has never even done her own shows here so unfortunately she is not a special guest we can expect anytime soon.

Marie absolutely love this queer Brissie crowd, signing cd’s on stage, crowd surfing with her guitar and so many more amazing crowd interactions!! She closed her set the way she always does with i wanna be your girlfriend, getting in the back of the crowd and doing a wall of death with everyone in the crowd a nd oh my what a way to finish the show, everyone’s emotions were high and I even saw a few tears here and there! The amazing openers of the show were Telenova, and they were just PHENOMENAL! They opened the night half an hour of their amazing songs with their incredible stage presence. This wasn’t my first time seeing Telenova live and I am incredibly grateful to get to experience them live again! The Brisbane queer community will truly never forget this night shared with Girl in Red, so many emotions shared, so many voices lost from screaming the songs!! Brisbane we gladly welcome Girl in Red back whenever she pleases !! 


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