A Chat With Valley


The indie pop band that has been rising to stardom, Valley, who are known for their emotional relatable lyrics and catchy melodies, shared details about their brand new album in a recent conference with 1824. The band opened up about the central theme of the album: the tension between holding on to a youthful spirit while navigating through the responsibilities of adulthood.

Rob Laska shared the theme of their new album saying : “You’re not a kid anymore, but we don’t feel like adults either. It’s about resisting the loss of youth and that spirit, while at the same time facing adult problems.” This sentiment is shared by bassist Alex Dimauro and drummer Karah James, as it encapsulates the emotional struggle that is shared in the album, describing it as finding a balance between nostalgia and the bittersweet feeling of growing up.

The band’s music has always been a platform for self-reflection, but this album marks a particular phase for the band, by grappling questions of time and identity, this album feels like the most personal record, as it provides listeners the idea of the struggle of retaining one sense of self amidst the pressures of growing up.

Another highlight of the album’s creation process according to the band was the renewed approach to making music.  “We’ve learned to create for the sake of creating—not to meet expectations” explained Alex Dimauro. “Stop expecting things from music, just give it your all and that’s enough. The universe kind of rewards you for that.” And this new matra allowed the band to return to their roots, “We don’t think we’ve changed since 2016; we just know how to create again.” Their creative process which is unbothered by external pressures due to the love of their supporters, allowed them to make music that feels authentic and connected to their younger selves.

The band members shared that their close friend, Chase Lawrence of COIN, inspired them to write this album and to let go of their expectations from music, reflecting how it is always a pleasure to work with him and take his advice. The lead singer, Rob, reflecting on the process of recording this album, says, "Create not to have expectations." He also shares that this was the first time the band could recall that life was changing in front of them and describes the band as the one constant in their lives that they can continue to grow and protect. When asked for guidance for her 2016 self, Karah James responded, "Trust your gut; if you feel like you are doing something wrong, you are probably doing it right."

The album “Water The Flowers, Pray For A Garden” not only talks about personal challenges but it offers us an examination on long term relationships whether they are romantic or platonic. “Are you continuing with relationships from the past, looking back at relationships from 10 years ago” says Rob Laska during the conference, “We’ve built something beautiful with this band and our friendship. It’s about looking at that and being proud.” The album talks about being hopeful and bright while things are moving around you while trying to heal your inner child at the same time. The optimistic approach to this record aligns with the band’s growth, returning to something familiar with a fresh perspective, one that celebrates growth but one that aches because of time moving. As Rob put it, “We’re returning to something that will always grow and be there.”

The emotional depth of “Water The Flowers, Pray For A Garden” also stem’s from the band’s experience. For the first time, Valley experienced collectively processing life changes simultaneously, “It’s the first time I can remember as a band, and as friends, that we had to process something together,” Rob Laska revealed. “This band has been the one constant we can protect.”

Valley’s upcoming album is a promise to reflect on who they are and who they will become in the future, offering a tribute to youth and to their younger selves. The band’s connection to fans and their bond to one another makes this hopeful journey enjoyable for listeners.

Make sure to check out Valley on tour this fall!


