by liam gillin

Portland-based artist Sven Gamsky, known to fans as Still Woozy, recently shared insights into his creative process and the journey of his latest album at a conference hosted by 1824, Universal Music Group's creative solutions team. Renowned for his low-fi, bedroom pop sound, Gamsky’s new record marks a significant evolution in his music, showcasing his dedication to storytelling and experimental sounds, all while adhering to a budget-friendly approach.

One of the standout aspects of the new album is its cover art, which was created by Gamsky’s wife. “She’s a very creative person,” he shared during the conference. “Art comes naturally to her, and I found her work captivating.” This collaboration highlights the personal and intimate nature of his creative process, with the visuals perfectly complementing the music.

Gamsky described the new album as both exciting and nerve-wracking. Unlike his previous work, which focused primarily on the feel of the music, this album explores a wider range of sounds and experimental tracks. “I make pretty weird and experimental music,” he admitted. “This time, it’s about storytelling. I hope by introducing enough variety, people will appreciate it without being too surprised.” His aim is to create a musical journey that keeps listeners engaged while staying true to his artistic vision.

Drawing inspiration from the warmth and inviting nature of older music, Gamsky cited The Beatles, Marvin Gaye, and Tame Impala as key influences for his new record. “Their music feels warm and welcoming,” he explained, aiming to create a similar inviting atmosphere in his own work. This blend of influences is evident in the album's eclectic sound and experimental nature, reflecting Gamsky’s broad creative range.

Live performances remain a crucial element of Gamsky’s artistry. His favorite track to perform, “Rid of Me,” has been resonating well with audiences. “It feels really good live,” he noted. “I hope the audience feels that same energy and connection.” Performing live offers Gamsky a unique opportunity to connect with his listeners and share the energy and emotion of his music in a direct and powerful way.

The new album delves deeply into various forms of love—familial, platonic, and romantic. Gamsky believes in the importance of platonic love for caring for others and emphasizes vulnerability as a core message in his music. “Sometimes you have to lean into your vulnerability,” he reflected. His personal experiences, including fatherhood, have significantly influenced his songwriting. Tracks like “Big Fish” draw from these deep emotional places, adding authenticity to his storytelling.

Fatherhood has played a pivotal role in shaping the new album. With limited time before the arrival of his baby, Gamsky found the impending deadline motivating. “It was the most tangible way to get it together,” he recalled. This new chapter in his life has had a profound impact on his creative process.

For Gamsky, a quiet and grounded environment is essential for creativity. Working in his home studio allows him to access deeper feelings and maintain a familiar space, crucial for his creative process. “I need to have a quiet, grounded space to be creative right now,” he said.

The sequence of tracks on the new album was intuitively decided, with Gamsky maintaining high energy at the beginning. He stands firm on his artistic vision, ensuring each song feels authentic to him. “It’s about standing behind your vision and passing the test of ‘does this feel like me?’” he explained. “I want to change and evolve, not stay the same.”

Influenced by his wife’s excellent sense of style and artists like Mac DeMarco, Gamsky’s fashion reflects his laid-back personality. “I trust my partner to dress me,” he laughed. “I see shows and want to emulate that joy and comfort.”

Still Woozy’s new album is a testament to his growth as an artist. Blending experimental sounds with heartfelt storytelling, his dedication to authenticity and vulnerability creates a compelling narrative that invites listeners into his world. As he continues to evolve both sonically and visually, Gamsky remains a captivating force in the music industry, demonstrating that great art can indeed be created on a budget.


